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XenForo 1.X [1.0.7][TH] DataTables BB Code


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Level 5

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1 440
14 Décembre 2015
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XenForo : Ici (Pas de lien)

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Description :

This add-on adds a simple [TABLE] BB code with an option to display using the powerful DataTables jQuery plugin. Columns are separated by using commas or pipes, or with tabs if you have Allow Tabs in Redactor Editor installed. Rows are separated by new line characters. To create named tables for a header, the [TABLE=head] BB code can be used, or to create tables with no header, the [TABLE=nohead] BB code can be used. The tables contain very minimal styling, allowing you to style tables in your own way. BB code can be used within the table, however the code must not contain one of the separator characters (i.e., tables within tables don't really work!).

  • Separate columns using commas, pipes, or tabs (Note: Tabs require Link Removed add-on to function)
  • Separate rows by a new line
  • No complex BB code to memorize
  • Contains jQuery's DataTables plugin allowing sorting, filtering, pagination, and much more
  • Table cells can contain BB code elements

Cdt , <_ViiPeRz/>[/table][/table][/table]
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