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Tetris Friends | 1.12.2 - 1.15.x // 1.5.0

Jean Le Berre

Donateur ❤
Level 2

Torrents Stats

8 Août 2019
Description :

Tetris Friends (TF) is a plugin inspired by the popular TF once found on Facebook. The original web-based TF is no longer available, however, with this plugin you can now once again play Tetris against your friends in a similar manner.

The plugin features both Singleplayer and Multiplayer game modes. Play alone and top the leaderboards or challenge a friend and show them who's boss! What are you waiting for!?

Test the plugin here:






The schematic (arcade machine) in the GIFs above is included in the plugin. The slight movement when controlling the tetrominoe can be eliminated by installing ProtocolLib.


Source : https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/tetris-friends-1-8-8-1-16.74471/
Téléchargement : https://veryleaks.is/resources/tetris-friends-1-12-2-1-15-x-1-5-0.8598/

Amicalement : Jean Le Berre
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