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Third Person Camera(s) 2.2


l'Affirmé 🥈
Level 4

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29 Décembre 2017
Advanced solutions.

Third Person Camera (s) provides users with a pallet of prebuilt camera controllers, and all the supporting code they need to create more.

Prebuilt Cameras Available:
• Side Scrolling Camera (NEW)
• Follow Camera
• Basic 3rd Person Camera
• Locking Target Camera
• Holding Position Camera
• Multi Camera Controller

Side Scrolling Camera (NEW)
This camera was designed to give you an idea of how to help you. Simply specify how you want to look at the target, and off you go. You can still rotate and adjust the camera like you can with all the other ones.

Follow Camera
This camera was designed to follow a target. When the target rotates, the camera will maintain a position that is configurable.

Basic Third Person Camera Controller
This camera controller functions the way you expect a 3rd camera controller to work. It follows a target and can rotate around it and zoom in and out. This was designed with the functionality that the World of Warcraft camera has in mind.

Locking Target Camera Controller
This camera was designed with Nintendo's Z-targeting in mind. This camera controller uses 2 targets in where is it? You can place a target on or near your character, and then you can target the Transforms of other objects to have it look towards them. Lerping and smoothing between targets is included in the controllers.

Holding Position Camera Controller
This camera controller keeps the position of the camera in a single location and looks at a target. Pretty simple sounding, but this camera can also be used in a variety of ways, and it can be used in a variety of ways. It takes the idea of just looking at a target at another level.

Multi Camera Controller
This is a simple camera controller that takes control of other camera controllers and offers the ability to switch between them smoothly. This is a great help if you are using the phone and want to quickly lock onto a target. With this, you can switch to lockon mode, or instantly switch if you'd like. Note that this camera is agnostic of the state of the camera's it is controlling.

Each camera controller is made of a series of premade components that can be added to them. The logic of each of the controllers is quite minimal as the most encapsulate of the logic. This allows a user to quickly develop their own controllers using the functionality that this package already has developed. It also means that the source code is so much better than that, that it is easy to find where it is being done, which is great if your interest in this package is how it works.

Everything is designed for easy use by the average person, including those without programming skills. Each camera controller also has a plethora of features and settings that allow them both novice and advanced users to adjust their camera to their needs. To start off, simply drag it to a camera controller and set it's basic fields. For each camera controller, you will have the camera that will be used. From there, you're free to tweak any settings you want to make your needs, or to interact with its components in code.

[email protected]
Contact me for any questions, comments, or help if you run into any issues.

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