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VST Tone Empire OptoRED v1.4.0 WiN REPACK - ReadNOTE - JustFun598


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31 Décembre 2020
OptoRED is a transparent Optical Attenuator (compressor) based on the classic American unit used on countless hit records. This is part of our new “Enhanced Classics” series.

Compression is one of the most important tools in the arsenal of an Engineer, Music Producer & Artist alike. This is now a device that far surpasses its original intent which was to control the level of the sound automatically.

Today we use different types of compressors for inducing a “Vibe” & “Feel” to our instruments, percussion, drums, and voice. Digital and Analog Compressors have come a long way, but some classics are still preferred even today because they are now as much a part of a genre or musical style that they are now deemed as musical instruments in their own right.


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