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fl studio

  1. T

    Samples Silo Paradise Drum Kit WAV FL STUDiO Presets-FANTASTiC

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    Samples Floxytek Sample Pack Vol.2

    Tous les ingrédients pour composer un bon morceau tribecore sont réunis dans ce pack de sample de Floxytek! Gros kicks ,transitions, Fx, loops, mélodies, breaks... Un pack qui vous permettra d'enrichir vos compositions mais aussi vos lives! L'extrait audio est composé a partir des samples...
  3. T

    Samples Ivory Outer Space Full Package MULTiFORMAT-FANTASTiC

    This song was made with some of the presets/samples from the pack Have fun and tag me on socials if you do crazy stuff with it !! <b>Contenu masqué</b>
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    Loushi Secret Drum Patterns MIDI-FANTASTiC

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    Samples Glumboy Official Drumkit Vol. 3 WAV MiDi FL STUDiO-FANTASTiC

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    Samples JR 808 Official JR 808 Drum Kit WAV FL STUDiO-FANTASTiC

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    Samples FREDDY KONFEDDY Presents The Everything U Need Kit WAV MiDi FL STUDiO-TECHNiA

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    Samples Perdu and Morriss "TSUKI" Drum Kit Bundle WAV FL Wallpapers-FANTASTiC

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    Samples Glockley Stash Kit 2022 WAV MiDi FL STUDiO-TECHNiA

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    Samples whatever51 Lost & Found Drumkit WAV MiDi FL STUDiO-TECHNiA

    Whatever51’s lost & found drum kit is a collection of 150+ sounds perfectly crafted <b>Contenu masqué</b>
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    Samples Onlyxne 808 Mafia Multi-Kit 0002 WAV FL STUDiO-FANTASTiC

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    Samples envyral HEAVEN + HELL Drum Kit WAV FL STUDiO-FANTASTiC

    Heaven + Hell is a concept drum kit featuring a collection of futuristic sounds. The Heaven and Hell folders include a sonically contrasting soundscape, containing drums that are perfect for any type of beat. <b>Contenu masqué</b>
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    Samples The Pulse Kit 5 Scar Edition WAV FL STUDiO-FANTASTiC

    THE PULSE KIT 5 SCAR EDITION: THIS VERSION OF THE KIT HAS ALL THE CONTECT FROM THE STANDARD EDITION AND INCLUDES THE PROJECT FILES FOR: -YXUVE BEEN CANCELLED- -MAKING A KILLING- (important note: these flps are only for learning purposes. all rights reserved. you are not allowed to change the...
  14. JordanightX

    VST Output Arcade v2.0.7.R13150 Windows

    Output Arcade v2.0.7.R13150 Windows Je vous leak l'excellent VST d'Output ''Arcade''. QU'EST-CE QU'ARCADE ? Arcade est un instrument logiciel comprenant des kits de sampler (15 échantillons différents avec des touches de modification uniques) et des kits de notes (touches entièrement...
  15. A

    Crack Fl Studio Mac M2

    Salut tout le monde ! J'ai acheté un Mac M2 et a cause de la nouvelle puce peu de cracks sont compatibles avec celle ci,(les cracks adobe première etc ne marchent pas :/) ducoup je cherche depuis une bonne semaine des cracks pour FL Studio qui marchent avec mon Mac mais bon si j'écris ici c'est...
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    Samples Upmadeit All The Way UP! Drum Kit WAV MiDi FL STUDiO-FANTASTiC

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    Samples PXS Global SuperTrap Essentials V2 WAV FL STUDiO-FANTASTiC

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    Samples Goyxrd Essentials Kit ’22 WAV MiDi FL STUDiO-FANTASTiC

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    Samples WavSupply PinkGrillz88 Untitled Drum Kit WAV MiDi FL STUDiO-FANTASTiC

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  20. KrowRedcup

    Samples [Drumkit] All the sounds you ever need - 212 beats

    A drumkit with "all the sounds you ever need" Content: 21 808s 14 Claps 14 Crashes & Cymbals 11 FX 15 Hi Hat Rolls 17 Hi Hats 18 Kicks 9 Open Hats 17 Percs 17 Snares Extra 11 Drum Midi Patterns <b>Contenu masqué</b>
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