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XenForo 1.X [1.0.3b][TH] Keyword Replace


Nitro Booster ❤
Level 5

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1 440
14 Décembre 2015
Bonjour ,​

XenForo : Ici

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Description :
Similar to the built-in censorship function, this add-on allows the administrator to define a keyword or phrase and a replacement value, which can include a URL, overlay or other HTML code. Any occurrences of the keyword or phrase in user content is replaced as appropriate. You are able to exclude certain user groups from having their content replaced as well as limit the number of keyword replacements made per page.

Similar to built-in censorship function
Exclude certain user groups from having their content replaced
Option to limit the number of keyword replacements to be made per page
Option to limit the number of keyword replacements to be made per word
Set the per word limit of replacements individually

Cdt , <_ViiPeRz/>
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