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XenForo 1.X [1.1.0]Brivium - Demographics


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Level 5

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1 435
14 Décembre 2015
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Description :
The developers want to research your site and they need to know exactly who is their target customers? Or the marketer want to know about the object they aim to? Well, this application will provide them a chance to do so without your help too much.

Demographics is an add-on which uses to show us about demographic statistics of the site’s members. Every time the user clicks at the Member tab, they could see a statistic with the data about gender and ages. With this key data, the developers could visualize the whole details about who they need to sell out their products. Or the marketer could have the basic descriptions about the customers who they need to advertise for. It helps specially in case that your site owns a number of huge of database, the more database you have, the more exact results come out.

Cdt , <_ViiPeRz/>
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