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XenForo 1.X [1.1.3a][TH] Hotspots


Nitro Booster ❤
Level 5

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1 440
14 Décembre 2015
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XenForo : Ici

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Description :​
Allow users to pin locations or hotspots to maps to be viewed by other users. Users can also browse the full list of hotspots and view extra information about the hotspot, including a full BB code description, link to an image, link to a description and date that it was pinned.

Hotspots and hotspot categories can also be managed from the Admin Control Panel. There are also options for setting default map co-ordinates, zoom and limits.

New maps can be created as nodes enabling unlimited different maps, including the ability to use a different custom image for each map instead of the default map of the world.

Custom images can be used for each map
Group permissions for editing/deleting hotspots
Limit the number of hotspots a user can create
Options to like or comment on hotspots
Fully responsive XF 1.2+

Cdt , <_ViiPeRz/>
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