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Direct Admin Extended 3.4.2

jax teller

Ce n’est pas facile d’être roi
Level 5

Torrents Stats

3 098
351 522
1 986
18 Juillet 2021


DirectAdmin Extended For WHMCS introduces automation into provisioning of web hosting accounts and enables their fully remote management at the same time. Your customers will be spared the hassle of leaving your website, as every most commonly used DirectAdmin feature will be accessible in the WHMCS client area.
The module will optimize all supervisory tasks over FTP accounts, files, databases, email accounts, backups, domains, DNS records and other fundamental components. It also supports Let's Encrypt, allowing your customers to obtain basic SSL certificates with a simple click. Additionally, thanks to inbuilt Softaculous and Installatron application installers, they will be free to add, edit, delete, backup and restore hundreds of different web applications.
You will be offered an opportunity to sell accounts as ready products with particular resource limits, and determine whether they shall be suspended instantly upon reaching the allowed usage of bandwidth. Moreover, you will be able to automatically assign a dedicated IP address, set a reseller IP address, as well as choose exactly what tools your customers are permitted to use. As a bonus advantage, you can integrate the module with WordPress Manager For WHMCS to spare your clients the bother of leaving the account management panel whenever they need to perform any key action on their WordPress installations.
Let your customers experience the convenience of handling web hosting accounts that borders on magical! Embrace the revolution achieved by DirectAdmin Extended For WHMCS and transform your web hosting business today!

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