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Samples Epic Stock Media Humanoid Creatures WAV-FANTASTiC


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3 264
68 924
1 630
31 Décembre 2020

Humanoid Creatures is a slightly unnerving monster sound FX library featuring 14 versatile creature types – all designed & styled for video games, monster background sounds, video applications and any creative audio project. Inside you’ll find 340+ distinctive, immersive, game optimized, humanoid creature sound effects, vocalizations, attacks, death sounds, pain hits, grunts and groans, special SFX and more. Organized in a variety of sound sets or monster types with multiple variations of each sound. Creating compelling cinematic game characters and outstanding gameplay audio experiences has never been easier.

Each monster includes multiple variation files of each sound type: deal damage, death, pain/hit, alerts, special FX, character specific FX and other vocalizations. All Royalty-Free and all files are pre mixed and mastered, optimized in length and file size to reduce game distributions and memory. RTU-OTB

It’s perfectly suited for use in animations, video games, mobile apps, motion graphics, film, and VR sound productions. We’ve thoughtfully crafted this collection of creature sounds to cover many different kinds of monster/animal varieties and have conveniently compiled them into this one sound pack, so you could have more creative freedom and ease when trying to best outfit your creature.


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Level 5

Torrents Stats

3 264
68 924
1 630
31 Décembre 2020
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