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VST FabFilter Timeless 3 v3.0.0 Patched WiN-FLARE


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3 232
68 358
1 630
31 Décembre 2020

From everyday echos to lush modulation
FabFilter Timeless 3 is a versatile, vintage-sounding tape delay, which will fully satisfy your everyday delay needs. And with its unique effects, filters, tap patterns and unlimited modulation options, you can just as easily turn it into the ultimate sound-mangling machine!

Vintage filters and creative effects
The stereo delay signal is routed through five unique effects and up to six analog-sounding filters, and then routed back to the input with adjustable feedback. Easily program your own delays using the well laid-out controls and interactive delay and filter displays.

Easy drag-and-drop modulation
Easily setup ducking, wow and flutter, dynamic diffusion or more creative effects, using Timeless's unique and versatile modulation system. Creating new modulation connections could not be easier: just drag and drop.

FabFilter goodies
Finally, you get all the usual FabFilter goodies: perfectly tuned knobs, MIDI Learn, Smart Parameter Interpolation for smooth parameter transitions, extensive help with interactive help hints, CPU optimization, and much more.

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30 Juin 2021

From everyday echos to lush modulation
FabFilter Timeless 3 is a versatile, vintage-sounding tape delay, which will fully satisfy your everyday delay needs. And with its unique effects, filters, tap patterns and unlimited modulation options, you can just as easily turn it into the ultimate sound-mangling machine!

Vintage filters and creative effects
The stereo delay signal is routed through five unique effects and up to six analog-sounding filters, and then routed back to the input with adjustable feedback. Easily program your own delays using the well laid-out controls and interactive delay and filter displays.

Easy drag-and-drop modulation
Easily setup ducking, wow and flutter, dynamic diffusion or more creative effects, using Timeless's unique and versatile modulation system. Creating new modulation connections could not be easier: just drag and drop.

FabFilter goodies
Finally, you get all the usual FabFilter goodies: perfectly tuned knobs, MIDI Learn, Smart Parameter Interpolation for smooth parameter transitions, extensive help with interactive help hints, CPU optimization, and much more.

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16 Octobre 2021
Thxx broooo very nice it very help me :)
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