Plugins minecraft (World Edit, Vanish, More Commands)


Master 🏆
Level 2

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4 Novembre 2018
Plugins Minecraft
Ce pack contient les plugins suivants: World Edit, Invisible Mode (Vanish) et More Commands

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Commandes principales disponnibles:

Avec World Edit:


Avec Vanish:
/vanish fakequit
/vanish fakejoin
/vanish on
/vanish off
/vanish toggle
/vanish effects
/vanish check
/vanish list
/vanish reload

Avec More Commands:
/fullbright Makes your screen bright.
/spawncliententity <entity> Spawns an entity client-sided so only you can see it.
/ptime <day/night/6900> Sets your personal time.
/calc <equation> Calculates a math equation so you don't have to.
/setfov <fov> Sets your fov.
/setrenderdistance <distance> Sets your render distance.
/serverstatus Shows the server statuses of all mojang and minecraft servers.
/pastnames [player] Shows the past names of the given player, player defaults to you.
/urban <search term> Search something on urban dictionary.
/download <url> Downloads a file for you.
/copy <text> Copies text.
/crash [description] Crashes your game.
/fps Shows your fps.
/ctopevents Shows the top 10 events fired on the client.
/macro A client side command to run multiple commands at once.
/barrier Gives you a barrier.
/cleareffects Clears your effects.
/clearinv Clears your inventory.
/cmdblock Gives you a command block.
/consolecommand <command> Runs a command from the console.
/day Makes it day.
/easy Sets difficulty to easy.
/explode [power] Explode with set amount of power, defaults to 4.
/fly <on/off> [player] Enable flight mode.
/gm <gamemode> Sets your gamemode.
/gma Sets your gamemode to adventure mode.
/gmc Sets your gamemode to creative mode.
/gms Sets your gamemode to survival mode.
/gmsp Sets your gamemode to spectator mode.
/god <on/off> [player] Turns god mode on or off for you or someone else.
/hard Sets difficulty to hard.
/heal [player] Heal yourself or someone else.
/item <item> [amount] [player] Gives you a set amount of the item, defaults to 64.
/killall <entity> Kills all entities of the set type.
/kys Kills yourself.
/night Sets the time to night.
/nohunger You'll never be hungry anymore.
/norain Makes the sun shine.
/normal Sets difficulty to normal.
/peaceful Sets difficulty to peaceful.
/save Saves the worlds.
/setbuildlimit <limit> Sets the build limit, should be between 0 and 256.
/showtime Shows you the time.
/speed <number> Sets your movement and flight speed, should be between 0 and 10.
/sudo <player> <command> Force someone to use a command.
/top Teleports you to a safe place.
/break Breaks the block you're looking at.
/spawn Teleports you to spawn.
/wild Teleports you somewhere random.
/ping Tells you your latency with the server.
/hat Puts the item you're holding on your head.
/repair Repairs the item you're holding.
/rename <name> Renames the item you're holding, you can use color codes like &1, &2, &3, etc.
/optool Enchants the item you're holding with every enchantment of level 16348.
/time fix <value> Fixes the time to the set amount.
/enchant <player> <id> [level] Same as the normal command but now you can enchant any item with any enchantment of any level.
/fireball Shoots a fireball in the direction you're looking.
/whereami Shows your coordinates.
/whois <player> Get all of a player's information, including their ip, you hackerman.
/compareips <player1> <player2> Compares the ip addresses of 2 players to see if an account is an alt account of someone.
/narrate [message] Let the narrator narrate a message for you, just doing /narrate makes you able to let it narrate a whole novel. This command does not work on Minecraft versions below 1.12.
/tpchunk <x> <y> <z> Teleports you to a chunk.
/biometeleport <biome> Attempts to teleport you to the given biome.
/morecommandsinfo Shows info on your build of MoreCommands.
/cannon Fire primed TNT in whatever direction you're looking
/clone Clone the entity you're looking at or the entities matching the given selector
/cyclepainting Cycle through the paintings on whatever panting you're looking at.
/defuse Kills any within range or all primed TNT entities and drops a TNT item in its place.
/dimension Teleport to a dimension.
/dropstore Drop all your items in a chest either at the given location or your location, can optionally clear your inventory as well.
/enderchest Open your enderchest or someone else's from anywhere.
/extinguish Extinguish yourself if you're on fire.
/fakeplayer Create a fakeplayer to e.g. keep chunks loaded or for grinders.
/inspect Get any player's known NBT data, online or offline. You may want to run /save before doing so to get the latest data.
/invsee See and edit any player's inventory.
/jump Teleport wherever you're looking.
/more Set the count of your currently active item stack to its max.
/potion Create your own potions with many effects and custom colours.
/reach Set your reach distance, this works better on 1.12+.
/recipe Get the recipe of anything that's either potions, crafting or smelting.
/killall (Kills everbody)
/kys (Kills yourself)
/explode (Explodes yourself)
/gms (Shorter version of /gamemode 0)
/gmc (Shorter version of /gamemode 1)
/gma (Shorter version of /gamemode 2)
/gmsp (Shorter version of /gamemode 3)
/day (Shorter version of /time set day)
/night (Shorter version of /time set night)
/heal (Heals and feeds you)
/speed1 up until speed4 (Makes you go faster!)
/dodaylightcycle (Turns gamerule doDaylightCycle to true)
/nodaylightcycle (Turns gamerule doDaylightCycle to false)
/cleareffects (Clears all effects, needed when you want to from speed1 to speed2 or the other way around)
/dofire (Turns gamerule doFireTick to true)
/nofire (Turns gamerule doFireTick to false)
/nodeathmessages (Turns gamerule showDeathMessages to false)
/showdeathmessages (Turns gamerule showDeathMessages to true)
/domobgriefing (Turns gamerule doMobGriefing to true)
/nomobgriefing (Turns gamerule doMobGriefing to false)
/dokeepinventory (No one loses their items anymore when they die)
/nokeepinventory (No one will keep their item when they die)
/donaturalregen (You will regenerate automatically)
/nonaturalregen (You won't regen automatically anymore)
/norain (Rain will stop)
/rain (It will start raining)
/thunder (A thunderstorm will appear)
/wild (Randomly teleports you within 5000 blocks)
/killentities (Kills every entity except for players)
/zoom (Zooms in)
/zoomstop (Stops zooming in)
/fullbright (Gives you night vision)
/waterbreath (Gives you waterbreathing (idea by GulpinWizard))
/cmdblock (Gives you a command block)
/speed-0 up until /speed-4 (Makes you go slower)
/barrier (Gives you a barrier.)
/afk (Tells everyone you're afk.)
/noafk (Tells everyone you're no longer afk.)
/timenow (Tells you the time.)
/peaceful (Sets difficulty to peaceful.)
/easy (Sets difficulty to easy.)
/normal (Sets difficulty to normal.)
/hard (Sets difficulty to hard)
/exactspawn (Lets players spawn at the EXACT spawn coordinates, usefull for servers.)
/resetsr (Resets the spawnradius.)
/nohunger (You will never have hunger anymore!)
/nodamage (You will never get damage anymore!)
/killitems (Kills all the items!)
/ci (Clears your inventory even without cheats!)
/morecommands (Gives a link to the wiki for help)
/silence (Stops all sounds)


Membre 🏅
Level 1

Torrents Stats

28 Janvier 2020
Merci bcp cela va vraiment m'aider pour mon serveur :)


Master 🏆
Level 2

Torrents Stats

20 Janvier 2018
Plugins Minecraft
Ce pack contient les plugins suivants: World Edit, Invisible Mode (Vanish) et More Commands

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[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]

Commandes principales disponnibles:

Avec World Edit:


Avec Vanish:
/vanish fakequit
/vanish fakejoin
/vanish on
/vanish off
/vanish toggle
/vanish effects
/vanish check
/vanish list
/vanish reload

Avec More Commands:

/fullbright Makes your screen bright.
/spawncliententity <entity> Spawns an entity client-sided so only you can see it.
/ptime <day/night/6900> Sets your personal time.
/calc <equation> Calculates a math equation so you don't have to.
/setfov <fov> Sets your fov.
/setrenderdistance <distance> Sets your render distance.
/serverstatus Shows the server statuses of all mojang and minecraft servers.
/pastnames [player] Shows the past names of the given player, player defaults to you.
/urban <search term> Search something on urban dictionary.
/download <url> Downloads a file for you.
/copy <text> Copies text.
/crash [description] Crashes your game.
/fps Shows your fps.
/ctopevents Shows the top 10 events fired on the client.
/macro A client side command to run multiple commands at once.
/barrier Gives you a barrier.
/cleareffects Clears your effects.
/clearinv Clears your inventory.
/cmdblock Gives you a command block.
/consolecommand <command> Runs a command from the console.
/day Makes it day.
/easy Sets difficulty to easy.
/explode [power] Explode with set amount of power, defaults to 4.
/fly <on/off> [player] Enable flight mode.
/gm <gamemode> Sets your gamemode.
/gma Sets your gamemode to adventure mode.
/gmc Sets your gamemode to creative mode.
/gms Sets your gamemode to survival mode.
/gmsp Sets your gamemode to spectator mode.
/god <on/off> [player] Turns god mode on or off for you or someone else.
/hard Sets difficulty to hard.
/heal [player] Heal yourself or someone else.
/item <item> [amount] [player] Gives you a set amount of the item, defaults to 64.
/killall <entity> Kills all entities of the set type.
/kys Kills yourself.
/night Sets the time to night.
/nohunger You'll never be hungry anymore.
/norain Makes the sun shine.
/normal Sets difficulty to normal.
/peaceful Sets difficulty to peaceful.
/save Saves the worlds.
/setbuildlimit <limit> Sets the build limit, should be between 0 and 256.
/showtime Shows you the time.
/speed <number> Sets your movement and flight speed, should be between 0 and 10.
/sudo <player> <command> Force someone to use a command.
/top Teleports you to a safe place.
/break Breaks the block you're looking at.
/spawn Teleports you to spawn.
/wild Teleports you somewhere random.
/ping Tells you your latency with the server.
/hat Puts the item you're holding on your head.
/repair Repairs the item you're holding.
/rename <name> Renames the item you're holding, you can use color codes like &1, &2, &3, etc.
/optool Enchants the item you're holding with every enchantment of level 16348.
/time fix <value> Fixes the time to the set amount.
/enchant <player> <id> [level] Same as the normal command but now you can enchant any item with any enchantment of any level.
/fireball Shoots a fireball in the direction you're looking.
/whereami Shows your coordinates.
/whois <player> Get all of a player's information, including their ip, you hackerman.
/compareips <player1> <player2> Compares the ip addresses of 2 players to see if an account is an alt account of someone.
/narrate [message] Let the narrator narrate a message for you, just doing /narrate makes you able to let it narrate a whole novel. This command does not work on Minecraft versions below 1.12.
/tpchunk <x> <y> <z> Teleports you to a chunk.
/biometeleport <biome> Attempts to teleport you to the given biome.
/morecommandsinfo Shows info on your build of MoreCommands.
/cannon Fire primed TNT in whatever direction you're looking
/clone Clone the entity you're looking at or the entities matching the given selector
/cyclepainting Cycle through the paintings on whatever panting you're looking at.
/defuse Kills any within range or all primed TNT entities and drops a TNT item in its place.
/dimension Teleport to a dimension.
/dropstore Drop all your items in a chest either at the given location or your location, can optionally clear your inventory as well.
/enderchest Open your enderchest or someone else's from anywhere.
/extinguish Extinguish yourself if you're on fire.
/fakeplayer Create a fakeplayer to e.g. keep chunks loaded or for grinders.
/inspect Get any player's known NBT data, online or offline. You may want to run /save before doing so to get the latest data.
/invsee See and edit any player's inventory.
/jump Teleport wherever you're looking.
/more Set the count of your currently active item stack to its max.
/potion Create your own potions with many effects and custom colours.
/reach Set your reach distance, this works better on 1.12+.
/recipe Get the recipe of anything that's either potions, crafting or smelting.
/killall (Kills everbody)
/kys (Kills yourself)
/explode (Explodes yourself)
/gms (Shorter version of /gamemode 0)
/gmc (Shorter version of /gamemode 1)
/gma (Shorter version of /gamemode 2)
/gmsp (Shorter version of /gamemode 3)
/day (Shorter version of /time set day)
/night (Shorter version of /time set night)
/heal (Heals and feeds you)
/speed1 up until speed4 (Makes you go faster!)
/dodaylightcycle (Turns gamerule doDaylightCycle to true)
/nodaylightcycle (Turns gamerule doDaylightCycle to false)
/cleareffects (Clears all effects, needed when you want to from speed1 to speed2 or the other way around)
/dofire (Turns gamerule doFireTick to true)
/nofire (Turns gamerule doFireTick to false)
/nodeathmessages (Turns gamerule showDeathMessages to false)
/showdeathmessages (Turns gamerule showDeathMessages to true)
/domobgriefing (Turns gamerule doMobGriefing to true)
/nomobgriefing (Turns gamerule doMobGriefing to false)
/dokeepinventory (No one loses their items anymore when they die)
/nokeepinventory (No one will keep their item when they die)
/donaturalregen (You will regenerate automatically)
/nonaturalregen (You won't regen automatically anymore)
/norain (Rain will stop)
/rain (It will start raining)
/thunder (A thunderstorm will appear)
/wild (Randomly teleports you within 5000 blocks)
/killentities (Kills every entity except for players)
/zoom (Zooms in)
/zoomstop (Stops zooming in)
/fullbright (Gives you night vision)
/waterbreath (Gives you waterbreathing (idea by GulpinWizard))
/cmdblock (Gives you a command block)
/speed-0 up until /speed-4 (Makes you go slower)
/barrier (Gives you a barrier.)
/afk (Tells everyone you're afk.)
/noafk (Tells everyone you're no longer afk.)
/timenow (Tells you the time.)
/peaceful (Sets difficulty to peaceful.)
/easy (Sets difficulty to easy.)
/normal (Sets difficulty to normal.)
/hard (Sets difficulty to hard)
/exactspawn (Lets players spawn at the EXACT spawn coordinates, usefull for servers.)
/resetsr (Resets the spawnradius.)
/nohunger (You will never have hunger anymore!)
/nodamage (You will never get damage anymore!)
/killitems (Kills all the items!)
/ci (Clears your inventory even without cheats!)
/morecommands (Gives a link to the wiki for help)
/silence (Stops all sounds)


l'Actif 🥉
Level 2

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19 Janvier 2020
meric content pack


Membre 🏅
Level 1

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21 Novembre 2020
Merci beaucoup pour ce mods


Développeur Web Fullstack 🧠
Level 2

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3 114
15 Avril 2018
Plugins Minecraft
Ce pack contient les plugins suivants: World Edit, Invisible Mode (Vanish) et More Commands

Téléchargement ici:
[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]

Commandes principales disponnibles:

Avec World Edit:


Avec Vanish:
/vanish fakequit
/vanish fakejoin
/vanish on
/vanish off
/vanish toggle
/vanish effects
/vanish check
/vanish list
/vanish reload

Avec More Commands:

/fullbright Makes your screen bright.
/spawncliententity <entity> Spawns an entity client-sided so only you can see it.
/ptime <day/night/6900> Sets your personal time.
/calc <equation> Calculates a math equation so you don't have to.
/setfov <fov> Sets your fov.
/setrenderdistance <distance> Sets your render distance.
/serverstatus Shows the server statuses of all mojang and minecraft servers.
/pastnames [player] Shows the past names of the given player, player defaults to you.
/urban <search term> Search something on urban dictionary.
/download <url> Downloads a file for you.
/copy <text> Copies text.
/crash [description] Crashes your game.
/fps Shows your fps.
/ctopevents Shows the top 10 events fired on the client.
/macro A client side command to run multiple commands at once.
/barrier Gives you a barrier.
/cleareffects Clears your effects.
/clearinv Clears your inventory.
/cmdblock Gives you a command block.
/consolecommand <command> Runs a command from the console.
/day Makes it day.
/easy Sets difficulty to easy.
/explode [power] Explode with set amount of power, defaults to 4.
/fly <on/off> [player] Enable flight mode.
/gm <gamemode> Sets your gamemode.
/gma Sets your gamemode to adventure mode.
/gmc Sets your gamemode to creative mode.
/gms Sets your gamemode to survival mode.
/gmsp Sets your gamemode to spectator mode.
/god <on/off> [player] Turns god mode on or off for you or someone else.
/hard Sets difficulty to hard.
/heal [player] Heal yourself or someone else.
/item <item> [amount] [player] Gives you a set amount of the item, defaults to 64.
/killall <entity> Kills all entities of the set type.
/kys Kills yourself.
/night Sets the time to night.
/nohunger You'll never be hungry anymore.
/norain Makes the sun shine.
/normal Sets difficulty to normal.
/peaceful Sets difficulty to peaceful.
/save Saves the worlds.
/setbuildlimit <limit> Sets the build limit, should be between 0 and 256.
/showtime Shows you the time.
/speed <number> Sets your movement and flight speed, should be between 0 and 10.
/sudo <player> <command> Force someone to use a command.
/top Teleports you to a safe place.
/break Breaks the block you're looking at.
/spawn Teleports you to spawn.
/wild Teleports you somewhere random.
/ping Tells you your latency with the server.
/hat Puts the item you're holding on your head.
/repair Repairs the item you're holding.
/rename <name> Renames the item you're holding, you can use color codes like &1, &2, &3, etc.
/optool Enchants the item you're holding with every enchantment of level 16348.
/time fix <value> Fixes the time to the set amount.
/enchant <player> <id> [level] Same as the normal command but now you can enchant any item with any enchantment of any level.
/fireball Shoots a fireball in the direction you're looking.
/whereami Shows your coordinates.
/whois <player> Get all of a player's information, including their ip, you hackerman.
/compareips <player1> <player2> Compares the ip addresses of 2 players to see if an account is an alt account of someone.
/narrate [message] Let the narrator narrate a message for you, just doing /narrate makes you able to let it narrate a whole novel. This command does not work on Minecraft versions below 1.12.
/tpchunk <x> <y> <z> Teleports you to a chunk.
/biometeleport <biome> Attempts to teleport you to the given biome.
/morecommandsinfo Shows info on your build of MoreCommands.
/cannon Fire primed TNT in whatever direction you're looking
/clone Clone the entity you're looking at or the entities matching the given selector
/cyclepainting Cycle through the paintings on whatever panting you're looking at.
/defuse Kills any within range or all primed TNT entities and drops a TNT item in its place.
/dimension Teleport to a dimension.
/dropstore Drop all your items in a chest either at the given location or your location, can optionally clear your inventory as well.
/enderchest Open your enderchest or someone else's from anywhere.
/extinguish Extinguish yourself if you're on fire.
/fakeplayer Create a fakeplayer to e.g. keep chunks loaded or for grinders.
/inspect Get any player's known NBT data, online or offline. You may want to run /save before doing so to get the latest data.
/invsee See and edit any player's inventory.
/jump Teleport wherever you're looking.
/more Set the count of your currently active item stack to its max.
/potion Create your own potions with many effects and custom colours.
/reach Set your reach distance, this works better on 1.12+.
/recipe Get the recipe of anything that's either potions, crafting or smelting.
/killall (Kills everbody)
/kys (Kills yourself)
/explode (Explodes yourself)
/gms (Shorter version of /gamemode 0)
/gmc (Shorter version of /gamemode 1)
/gma (Shorter version of /gamemode 2)
/gmsp (Shorter version of /gamemode 3)
/day (Shorter version of /time set day)
/night (Shorter version of /time set night)
/heal (Heals and feeds you)
/speed1 up until speed4 (Makes you go faster!)
/dodaylightcycle (Turns gamerule doDaylightCycle to true)
/nodaylightcycle (Turns gamerule doDaylightCycle to false)
/cleareffects (Clears all effects, needed when you want to from speed1 to speed2 or the other way around)
/dofire (Turns gamerule doFireTick to true)
/nofire (Turns gamerule doFireTick to false)
/nodeathmessages (Turns gamerule showDeathMessages to false)
/showdeathmessages (Turns gamerule showDeathMessages to true)
/domobgriefing (Turns gamerule doMobGriefing to true)
/nomobgriefing (Turns gamerule doMobGriefing to false)
/dokeepinventory (No one loses their items anymore when they die)
/nokeepinventory (No one will keep their item when they die)
/donaturalregen (You will regenerate automatically)
/nonaturalregen (You won't regen automatically anymore)
/norain (Rain will stop)
/rain (It will start raining)
/thunder (A thunderstorm will appear)
/wild (Randomly teleports you within 5000 blocks)
/killentities (Kills every entity except for players)
/zoom (Zooms in)
/zoomstop (Stops zooming in)
/fullbright (Gives you night vision)
/waterbreath (Gives you waterbreathing (idea by GulpinWizard))
/cmdblock (Gives you a command block)
/speed-0 up until /speed-4 (Makes you go slower)
/barrier (Gives you a barrier.)
/afk (Tells everyone you're afk.)
/noafk (Tells everyone you're no longer afk.)
/timenow (Tells you the time.)
/peaceful (Sets difficulty to peaceful.)
/easy (Sets difficulty to easy.)
/normal (Sets difficulty to normal.)
/hard (Sets difficulty to hard)
/exactspawn (Lets players spawn at the EXACT spawn coordinates, usefull for servers.)
/resetsr (Resets the spawnradius.)
/nohunger (You will never have hunger anymore!)
/nodamage (You will never get damage anymore!)
/killitems (Kills all the items!)
/ci (Clears your inventory even without cheats!)
/morecommands (Gives a link to the wiki for help)
/silence (Stops all sounds)
merci khey j'savais pas tu faisais des trucs mc


l'Affirmé 🥈
Level 1

Torrents Stats

9 Janvier 2021
Plugins Minecraft
Ce pack contient les plugins suivants: World Edit, Invisible Mode (Vanish) et More Commands

Téléchargement ici:
[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]

Commandes principales disponnibles:

Avec World Edit:


Avec Vanish:
/vanish fakequit
/vanish fakejoin
/vanish on
/vanish off
/vanish toggle
/vanish effects
/vanish check
/vanish list
/vanish reload

Avec More Commands:

/fullbright Makes your screen bright.
/spawncliententity <entity> Spawns an entity client-sided so only you can see it.
/ptime <day/night/6900> Sets your personal time.
/calc <equation> Calculates a math equation so you don't have to.
/setfov <fov> Sets your fov.
/setrenderdistance <distance> Sets your render distance.
/serverstatus Shows the server statuses of all mojang and minecraft servers.
/pastnames [player] Shows the past names of the given player, player defaults to you.
/urban <search term> Search something on urban dictionary.
/download <url> Downloads a file for you.
/copy <text> Copies text.
/crash [description] Crashes your game.
/fps Shows your fps.
/ctopevents Shows the top 10 events fired on the client.
/macro A client side command to run multiple commands at once.
/barrier Gives you a barrier.
/cleareffects Clears your effects.
/clearinv Clears your inventory.
/cmdblock Gives you a command block.
/consolecommand <command> Runs a command from the console.
/day Makes it day.
/easy Sets difficulty to easy.
/explode [power] Explode with set amount of power, defaults to 4.
/fly <on/off> [player] Enable flight mode.
/gm <gamemode> Sets your gamemode.
/gma Sets your gamemode to adventure mode.
/gmc Sets your gamemode to creative mode.
/gms Sets your gamemode to survival mode.
/gmsp Sets your gamemode to spectator mode.
/god <on/off> [player] Turns god mode on or off for you or someone else.
/hard Sets difficulty to hard.
/heal [player] Heal yourself or someone else.
/item <item> [amount] [player] Gives you a set amount of the item, defaults to 64.
/killall <entity> Kills all entities of the set type.
/kys Kills yourself.
/night Sets the time to night.
/nohunger You'll never be hungry anymore.
/norain Makes the sun shine.
/normal Sets difficulty to normal.
/peaceful Sets difficulty to peaceful.
/save Saves the worlds.
/setbuildlimit <limit> Sets the build limit, should be between 0 and 256.
/showtime Shows you the time.
/speed <number> Sets your movement and flight speed, should be between 0 and 10.
/sudo <player> <command> Force someone to use a command.
/top Teleports you to a safe place.
/break Breaks the block you're looking at.
/spawn Teleports you to spawn.
/wild Teleports you somewhere random.
/ping Tells you your latency with the server.
/hat Puts the item you're holding on your head.
/repair Repairs the item you're holding.
/rename <name> Renames the item you're holding, you can use color codes like &1, &2, &3, etc.
/optool Enchants the item you're holding with every enchantment of level 16348.
/time fix <value> Fixes the time to the set amount.
/enchant <player> <id> [level] Same as the normal command but now you can enchant any item with any enchantment of any level.
/fireball Shoots a fireball in the direction you're looking.
/whereami Shows your coordinates.
/whois <player> Get all of a player's information, including their ip, you hackerman.
/compareips <player1> <player2> Compares the ip addresses of 2 players to see if an account is an alt account of someone.
/narrate [message] Let the narrator narrate a message for you, just doing /narrate makes you able to let it narrate a whole novel. This command does not work on Minecraft versions below 1.12.
/tpchunk <x> <y> <z> Teleports you to a chunk.
/biometeleport <biome> Attempts to teleport you to the given biome.
/morecommandsinfo Shows info on your build of MoreCommands.
/cannon Fire primed TNT in whatever direction you're looking
/clone Clone the entity you're looking at or the entities matching the given selector
/cyclepainting Cycle through the paintings on whatever panting you're looking at.
/defuse Kills any within range or all primed TNT entities and drops a TNT item in its place.
/dimension Teleport to a dimension.
/dropstore Drop all your items in a chest either at the given location or your location, can optionally clear your inventory as well.
/enderchest Open your enderchest or someone else's from anywhere.
/extinguish Extinguish yourself if you're on fire.
/fakeplayer Create a fakeplayer to e.g. keep chunks loaded or for grinders.
/inspect Get any player's known NBT data, online or offline. You may want to run /save before doing so to get the latest data.
/invsee See and edit any player's inventory.
/jump Teleport wherever you're looking.
/more Set the count of your currently active item stack to its max.
/potion Create your own potions with many effects and custom colours.
/reach Set your reach distance, this works better on 1.12+.
/recipe Get the recipe of anything that's either potions, crafting or smelting.
/killall (Kills everbody)
/kys (Kills yourself)
/explode (Explodes yourself)
/gms (Shorter version of /gamemode 0)
/gmc (Shorter version of /gamemode 1)
/gma (Shorter version of /gamemode 2)
/gmsp (Shorter version of /gamemode 3)
/day (Shorter version of /time set day)
/night (Shorter version of /time set night)
/heal (Heals and feeds you)
/speed1 up until speed4 (Makes you go faster!)
/dodaylightcycle (Turns gamerule doDaylightCycle to true)
/nodaylightcycle (Turns gamerule doDaylightCycle to false)
/cleareffects (Clears all effects, needed when you want to from speed1 to speed2 or the other way around)
/dofire (Turns gamerule doFireTick to true)
/nofire (Turns gamerule doFireTick to false)
/nodeathmessages (Turns gamerule showDeathMessages to false)
/showdeathmessages (Turns gamerule showDeathMessages to true)
/domobgriefing (Turns gamerule doMobGriefing to true)
/nomobgriefing (Turns gamerule doMobGriefing to false)
/dokeepinventory (No one loses their items anymore when they die)
/nokeepinventory (No one will keep their item when they die)
/donaturalregen (You will regenerate automatically)
/nonaturalregen (You won't regen automatically anymore)
/norain (Rain will stop)
/rain (It will start raining)
/thunder (A thunderstorm will appear)
/wild (Randomly teleports you within 5000 blocks)
/killentities (Kills every entity except for players)
/zoom (Zooms in)
/zoomstop (Stops zooming in)
/fullbright (Gives you night vision)
/waterbreath (Gives you waterbreathing (idea by GulpinWizard))
/cmdblock (Gives you a command block)
/speed-0 up until /speed-4 (Makes you go slower)
/barrier (Gives you a barrier.)
/afk (Tells everyone you're afk.)
/noafk (Tells everyone you're no longer afk.)
/timenow (Tells you the time.)
/peaceful (Sets difficulty to peaceful.)
/easy (Sets difficulty to easy.)
/normal (Sets difficulty to normal.)
/hard (Sets difficulty to hard)
/exactspawn (Lets players spawn at the EXACT spawn coordinates, usefull for servers.)
/resetsr (Resets the spawnradius.)
/nohunger (You will never have hunger anymore!)
/nodamage (You will never get damage anymore!)
/killitems (Kills all the items!)
/ci (Clears your inventory even without cheats!)
/morecommands (Gives a link to the wiki for help)
/silence (Stops all sounds)


l'Actif 🥉
Level 1

Torrents Stats

10 Janvier 2022
Plugins Minecraft
Ce pack contient les plugins suivants: World Edit, Invisible Mode (Vanish) et More Commands

Téléchargement ici:
[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]

Commandes principales disponnibles:

Avec World Edit:


Avec Vanish:
/vanish fakequit
/vanish fakejoin
/vanish on
/vanish off
/vanish toggle
/vanish effects
/vanish check
/vanish list
/vanish reload

Avec More Commands:

/fullbright Makes your screen bright.
/spawncliententity <entity> Spawns an entity client-sided so only you can see it.
/ptime <day/night/6900> Sets your personal time.
/calc <equation> Calculates a math equation so you don't have to.
/setfov <fov> Sets your fov.
/setrenderdistance <distance> Sets your render distance.
/serverstatus Shows the server statuses of all mojang and minecraft servers.
/pastnames [player] Shows the past names of the given player, player defaults to you.
/urban <search term> Search something on urban dictionary.
/download <url> Downloads a file for you.
/copy <text> Copies text.
/crash [description] Crashes your game.
/fps Shows your fps.
/ctopevents Shows the top 10 events fired on the client.
/macro A client side command to run multiple commands at once.
/barrier Gives you a barrier.
/cleareffects Clears your effects.
/clearinv Clears your inventory.
/cmdblock Gives you a command block.
/consolecommand <command> Runs a command from the console.
/day Makes it day.
/easy Sets difficulty to easy.
/explode [power] Explode with set amount of power, defaults to 4.
/fly <on/off> [player] Enable flight mode.
/gm <gamemode> Sets your gamemode.
/gma Sets your gamemode to adventure mode.
/gmc Sets your gamemode to creative mode.
/gms Sets your gamemode to survival mode.
/gmsp Sets your gamemode to spectator mode.
/god <on/off> [player] Turns god mode on or off for you or someone else.
/hard Sets difficulty to hard.
/heal [player] Heal yourself or someone else.
/item <item> [amount] [player] Gives you a set amount of the item, defaults to 64.
/killall <entity> Kills all entities of the set type.
/kys Kills yourself.
/night Sets the time to night.
/nohunger You'll never be hungry anymore.
/norain Makes the sun shine.
/normal Sets difficulty to normal.
/peaceful Sets difficulty to peaceful.
/save Saves the worlds.
/setbuildlimit <limit> Sets the build limit, should be between 0 and 256.
/showtime Shows you the time.
/speed <number> Sets your movement and flight speed, should be between 0 and 10.
/sudo <player> <command> Force someone to use a command.
/top Teleports you to a safe place.
/break Breaks the block you're looking at.
/spawn Teleports you to spawn.
/wild Teleports you somewhere random.
/ping Tells you your latency with the server.
/hat Puts the item you're holding on your head.
/repair Repairs the item you're holding.
/rename <name> Renames the item you're holding, you can use color codes like &1, &2, &3, etc.
/optool Enchants the item you're holding with every enchantment of level 16348.
/time fix <value> Fixes the time to the set amount.
/enchant <player> <id> [level] Same as the normal command but now you can enchant any item with any enchantment of any level.
/fireball Shoots a fireball in the direction you're looking.
/whereami Shows your coordinates.
/whois <player> Get all of a player's information, including their ip, you hackerman.
/compareips <player1> <player2> Compares the ip addresses of 2 players to see if an account is an alt account of someone.
/narrate [message] Let the narrator narrate a message for you, just doing /narrate makes you able to let it narrate a whole novel. This command does not work on Minecraft versions below 1.12.
/tpchunk <x> <y> <z> Teleports you to a chunk.
/biometeleport <biome> Attempts to teleport you to the given biome.
/morecommandsinfo Shows info on your build of MoreCommands.
/cannon Fire primed TNT in whatever direction you're looking
/clone Clone the entity you're looking at or the entities matching the given selector
/cyclepainting Cycle through the paintings on whatever panting you're looking at.
/defuse Kills any within range or all primed TNT entities and drops a TNT item in its place.
/dimension Teleport to a dimension.
/dropstore Drop all your items in a chest either at the given location or your location, can optionally clear your inventory as well.
/enderchest Open your enderchest or someone else's from anywhere.
/extinguish Extinguish yourself if you're on fire.
/fakeplayer Create a fakeplayer to e.g. keep chunks loaded or for grinders.
/inspect Get any player's known NBT data, online or offline. You may want to run /save before doing so to get the latest data.
/invsee See and edit any player's inventory.
/jump Teleport wherever you're looking.
/more Set the count of your currently active item stack to its max.
/potion Create your own potions with many effects and custom colours.
/reach Set your reach distance, this works better on 1.12+.
/recipe Get the recipe of anything that's either potions, crafting or smelting.
/killall (Kills everbody)
/kys (Kills yourself)
/explode (Explodes yourself)
/gms (Shorter version of /gamemode 0)
/gmc (Shorter version of /gamemode 1)
/gma (Shorter version of /gamemode 2)
/gmsp (Shorter version of /gamemode 3)
/day (Shorter version of /time set day)
/night (Shorter version of /time set night)
/heal (Heals and feeds you)
/speed1 up until speed4 (Makes you go faster!)
/dodaylightcycle (Turns gamerule doDaylightCycle to true)
/nodaylightcycle (Turns gamerule doDaylightCycle to false)
/cleareffects (Clears all effects, needed when you want to from speed1 to speed2 or the other way around)
/dofire (Turns gamerule doFireTick to true)
/nofire (Turns gamerule doFireTick to false)
/nodeathmessages (Turns gamerule showDeathMessages to false)
/showdeathmessages (Turns gamerule showDeathMessages to true)
/domobgriefing (Turns gamerule doMobGriefing to true)
/nomobgriefing (Turns gamerule doMobGriefing to false)
/dokeepinventory (No one loses their items anymore when they die)
/nokeepinventory (No one will keep their item when they die)
/donaturalregen (You will regenerate automatically)
/nonaturalregen (You won't regen automatically anymore)
/norain (Rain will stop)
/rain (It will start raining)
/thunder (A thunderstorm will appear)
/wild (Randomly teleports you within 5000 blocks)
/killentities (Kills every entity except for players)
/zoom (Zooms in)
/zoomstop (Stops zooming in)
/fullbright (Gives you night vision)
/waterbreath (Gives you waterbreathing (idea by GulpinWizard))
/cmdblock (Gives you a command block)
/speed-0 up until /speed-4 (Makes you go slower)
/barrier (Gives you a barrier.)
/afk (Tells everyone you're afk.)
/noafk (Tells everyone you're no longer afk.)
/timenow (Tells you the time.)
/peaceful (Sets difficulty to peaceful.)
/easy (Sets difficulty to easy.)
/normal (Sets difficulty to normal.)
/hard (Sets difficulty to hard)
/exactspawn (Lets players spawn at the EXACT spawn coordinates, usefull for servers.)
/resetsr (Resets the spawnradius.)
/nohunger (You will never have hunger anymore!)
/nodamage (You will never get damage anymore!)
/killitems (Kills all the items!)
/ci (Clears your inventory even without cheats!)
/morecommands (Gives a link to the wiki for help)
/silence (Stops all sounds)


Membre 🏅
Level 1

Torrents Stats

4 Mars 2023
Plugins Minecraft
Ce pack contient les plugins suivants: World Edit, Invisible Mode (Vanish) et More Commands

Téléchargement ici:
[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]

Commandes principales disponnibles:

Avec World Edit:


Avec Vanish:
/vanish fakequit
/vanish fakejoin
/vanish on
/vanish off
/vanish toggle
/vanish effects
/vanish check
/vanish list
/vanish reload

Avec More Commands:

/fullbright Makes your screen bright.
/spawncliententity <entity> Spawns an entity client-sided so only you can see it.
/ptime <day/night/6900> Sets your personal time.
/calc <equation> Calculates a math equation so you don't have to.
/setfov <fov> Sets your fov.
/setrenderdistance <distance> Sets your render distance.
/serverstatus Shows the server statuses of all mojang and minecraft servers.
/pastnames [player] Shows the past names of the given player, player defaults to you.
/urban <search term> Search something on urban dictionary.
/download <url> Downloads a file for you.
/copy <text> Copies text.
/crash [description] Crashes your game.
/fps Shows your fps.
/ctopevents Shows the top 10 events fired on the client.
/macro A client side command to run multiple commands at once.
/barrier Gives you a barrier.
/cleareffects Clears your effects.
/clearinv Clears your inventory.
/cmdblock Gives you a command block.
/consolecommand <command> Runs a command from the console.
/day Makes it day.
/easy Sets difficulty to easy.
/explode [power] Explode with set amount of power, defaults to 4.
/fly <on/off> [player] Enable flight mode.
/gm <gamemode> Sets your gamemode.
/gma Sets your gamemode to adventure mode.
/gmc Sets your gamemode to creative mode.
/gms Sets your gamemode to survival mode.
/gmsp Sets your gamemode to spectator mode.
/god <on/off> [player] Turns god mode on or off for you or someone else.
/hard Sets difficulty to hard.
/heal [player] Heal yourself or someone else.
/item <item> [amount] [player] Gives you a set amount of the item, defaults to 64.
/killall <entity> Kills all entities of the set type.
/kys Kills yourself.
/night Sets the time to night.
/nohunger You'll never be hungry anymore.
/norain Makes the sun shine.
/normal Sets difficulty to normal.
/peaceful Sets difficulty to peaceful.
/save Saves the worlds.
/setbuildlimit <limit> Sets the build limit, should be between 0 and 256.
/showtime Shows you the time.
/speed <number> Sets your movement and flight speed, should be between 0 and 10.
/sudo <player> <command> Force someone to use a command.
/top Teleports you to a safe place.
/break Breaks the block you're looking at.
/spawn Teleports you to spawn.
/wild Teleports you somewhere random.
/ping Tells you your latency with the server.
/hat Puts the item you're holding on your head.
/repair Repairs the item you're holding.
/rename <name> Renames the item you're holding, you can use color codes like &1, &2, &3, etc.
/optool Enchants the item you're holding with every enchantment of level 16348.
/time fix <value> Fixes the time to the set amount.
/enchant <player> <id> [level] Same as the normal command but now you can enchant any item with any enchantment of any level.
/fireball Shoots a fireball in the direction you're looking.
/whereami Shows your coordinates.
/whois <player> Get all of a player's information, including their ip, you hackerman.
/compareips <player1> <player2> Compares the ip addresses of 2 players to see if an account is an alt account of someone.
/narrate [message] Let the narrator narrate a message for you, just doing /narrate makes you able to let it narrate a whole novel. This command does not work on Minecraft versions below 1.12.
/tpchunk <x> <y> <z> Teleports you to a chunk.
/biometeleport <biome> Attempts to teleport you to the given biome.
/morecommandsinfo Shows info on your build of MoreCommands.
/cannon Fire primed TNT in whatever direction you're looking
/clone Clone the entity you're looking at or the entities matching the given selector
/cyclepainting Cycle through the paintings on whatever panting you're looking at.
/defuse Kills any within range or all primed TNT entities and drops a TNT item in its place.
/dimension Teleport to a dimension.
/dropstore Drop all your items in a chest either at the given location or your location, can optionally clear your inventory as well.
/enderchest Open your enderchest or someone else's from anywhere.
/extinguish Extinguish yourself if you're on fire.
/fakeplayer Create a fakeplayer to e.g. keep chunks loaded or for grinders.
/inspect Get any player's known NBT data, online or offline. You may want to run /save before doing so to get the latest data.
/invsee See and edit any player's inventory.
/jump Teleport wherever you're looking.
/more Set the count of your currently active item stack to its max.
/potion Create your own potions with many effects and custom colours.
/reach Set your reach distance, this works better on 1.12+.
/recipe Get the recipe of anything that's either potions, crafting or smelting.
/killall (Kills everbody)
/kys (Kills yourself)
/explode (Explodes yourself)
/gms (Shorter version of /gamemode 0)
/gmc (Shorter version of /gamemode 1)
/gma (Shorter version of /gamemode 2)
/gmsp (Shorter version of /gamemode 3)
/day (Shorter version of /time set day)
/night (Shorter version of /time set night)
/heal (Heals and feeds you)
/speed1 up until speed4 (Makes you go faster!)
/dodaylightcycle (Turns gamerule doDaylightCycle to true)
/nodaylightcycle (Turns gamerule doDaylightCycle to false)
/cleareffects (Clears all effects, needed when you want to from speed1 to speed2 or the other way around)
/dofire (Turns gamerule doFireTick to true)
/nofire (Turns gamerule doFireTick to false)
/nodeathmessages (Turns gamerule showDeathMessages to false)
/showdeathmessages (Turns gamerule showDeathMessages to true)
/domobgriefing (Turns gamerule doMobGriefing to true)
/nomobgriefing (Turns gamerule doMobGriefing to false)
/dokeepinventory (No one loses their items anymore when they die)
/nokeepinventory (No one will keep their item when they die)
/donaturalregen (You will regenerate automatically)
/nonaturalregen (You won't regen automatically anymore)
/norain (Rain will stop)
/rain (It will start raining)
/thunder (A thunderstorm will appear)
/wild (Randomly teleports you within 5000 blocks)
/killentities (Kills every entity except for players)
/zoom (Zooms in)
/zoomstop (Stops zooming in)
/fullbright (Gives you night vision)
/waterbreath (Gives you waterbreathing (idea by GulpinWizard))
/cmdblock (Gives you a command block)
/speed-0 up until /speed-4 (Makes you go slower)
/barrier (Gives you a barrier.)
/afk (Tells everyone you're afk.)
/noafk (Tells everyone you're no longer afk.)
/timenow (Tells you the time.)
/peaceful (Sets difficulty to peaceful.)
/easy (Sets difficulty to easy.)
/normal (Sets difficulty to normal.)
/hard (Sets difficulty to hard)
/exactspawn (Lets players spawn at the EXACT spawn coordinates, usefull for servers.)
/resetsr (Resets the spawnradius.)
/nohunger (You will never have hunger anymore!)
/nodamage (You will never get damage anymore!)
/killitems (Kills all the items!)
/ci (Clears your inventory even without cheats!)
/morecommands (Gives a link to the wiki for help)
/silence (Stops all sounds)


l'Actif 🥉

Torrents Stats

27 Juillet 2021
Plugins Minecraft
Ce pack contient les plugins suivants: World Edit, Invisible Mode (Vanish) et More Commands

Téléchargement ici:
[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]

Commandes principales disponnibles:

Avec World Edit:


Avec Vanish:
/vanish fakequit
/vanish fakejoin
/vanish on
/vanish off
/vanish toggle
/vanish effects
/vanish check
/vanish list
/vanish reload

Avec More Commands:

/fullbright Makes your screen bright.
/spawncliententity <entity> Spawns an entity client-sided so only you can see it.
/ptime <day/night/6900> Sets your personal time.
/calc <equation> Calculates a math equation so you don't have to.
/setfov <fov> Sets your fov.
/setrenderdistance <distance> Sets your render distance.
/serverstatus Shows the server statuses of all mojang and minecraft servers.
/pastnames [player] Shows the past names of the given player, player defaults to you.
/urban <search term> Search something on urban dictionary.
/download <url> Downloads a file for you.
/copy <text> Copies text.
/crash [description] Crashes your game.
/fps Shows your fps.
/ctopevents Shows the top 10 events fired on the client.
/macro A client side command to run multiple commands at once.
/barrier Gives you a barrier.
/cleareffects Clears your effects.
/clearinv Clears your inventory.
/cmdblock Gives you a command block.
/consolecommand <command> Runs a command from the console.
/day Makes it day.
/easy Sets difficulty to easy.
/explode [power] Explode with set amount of power, defaults to 4.
/fly <on/off> [player] Enable flight mode.
/gm <gamemode> Sets your gamemode.
/gma Sets your gamemode to adventure mode.
/gmc Sets your gamemode to creative mode.
/gms Sets your gamemode to survival mode.
/gmsp Sets your gamemode to spectator mode.
/god <on/off> [player] Turns god mode on or off for you or someone else.
/hard Sets difficulty to hard.
/heal [player] Heal yourself or someone else.
/item <item> [amount] [player] Gives you a set amount of the item, defaults to 64.
/killall <entity> Kills all entities of the set type.
/kys Kills yourself.
/night Sets the time to night.
/nohunger You'll never be hungry anymore.
/norain Makes the sun shine.
/normal Sets difficulty to normal.
/peaceful Sets difficulty to peaceful.
/save Saves the worlds.
/setbuildlimit <limit> Sets the build limit, should be between 0 and 256.
/showtime Shows you the time.
/speed <number> Sets your movement and flight speed, should be between 0 and 10.
/sudo <player> <command> Force someone to use a command.
/top Teleports you to a safe place.
/break Breaks the block you're looking at.
/spawn Teleports you to spawn.
/wild Teleports you somewhere random.
/ping Tells you your latency with the server.
/hat Puts the item you're holding on your head.
/repair Repairs the item you're holding.
/rename <name> Renames the item you're holding, you can use color codes like &1, &2, &3, etc.
/optool Enchants the item you're holding with every enchantment of level 16348.
/time fix <value> Fixes the time to the set amount.
/enchant <player> <id> [level] Same as the normal command but now you can enchant any item with any enchantment of any level.
/fireball Shoots a fireball in the direction you're looking.
/whereami Shows your coordinates.
/whois <player> Get all of a player's information, including their ip, you hackerman.
/compareips <player1> <player2> Compares the ip addresses of 2 players to see if an account is an alt account of someone.
/narrate [message] Let the narrator narrate a message for you, just doing /narrate makes you able to let it narrate a whole novel. This command does not work on Minecraft versions below 1.12.
/tpchunk <x> <y> <z> Teleports you to a chunk.
/biometeleport <biome> Attempts to teleport you to the given biome.
/morecommandsinfo Shows info on your build of MoreCommands.
/cannon Fire primed TNT in whatever direction you're looking
/clone Clone the entity you're looking at or the entities matching the given selector
/cyclepainting Cycle through the paintings on whatever panting you're looking at.
/defuse Kills any within range or all primed TNT entities and drops a TNT item in its place.
/dimension Teleport to a dimension.
/dropstore Drop all your items in a chest either at the given location or your location, can optionally clear your inventory as well.
/enderchest Open your enderchest or someone else's from anywhere.
/extinguish Extinguish yourself if you're on fire.
/fakeplayer Create a fakeplayer to e.g. keep chunks loaded or for grinders.
/inspect Get any player's known NBT data, online or offline. You may want to run /save before doing so to get the latest data.
/invsee See and edit any player's inventory.
/jump Teleport wherever you're looking.
/more Set the count of your currently active item stack to its max.
/potion Create your own potions with many effects and custom colours.
/reach Set your reach distance, this works better on 1.12+.
/recipe Get the recipe of anything that's either potions, crafting or smelting.
/killall (Kills everbody)
/kys (Kills yourself)
/explode (Explodes yourself)
/gms (Shorter version of /gamemode 0)
/gmc (Shorter version of /gamemode 1)
/gma (Shorter version of /gamemode 2)
/gmsp (Shorter version of /gamemode 3)
/day (Shorter version of /time set day)
/night (Shorter version of /time set night)
/heal (Heals and feeds you)
/speed1 up until speed4 (Makes you go faster!)
/dodaylightcycle (Turns gamerule doDaylightCycle to true)
/nodaylightcycle (Turns gamerule doDaylightCycle to false)
/cleareffects (Clears all effects, needed when you want to from speed1 to speed2 or the other way around)
/dofire (Turns gamerule doFireTick to true)
/nofire (Turns gamerule doFireTick to false)
/nodeathmessages (Turns gamerule showDeathMessages to false)
/showdeathmessages (Turns gamerule showDeathMessages to true)
/domobgriefing (Turns gamerule doMobGriefing to true)
/nomobgriefing (Turns gamerule doMobGriefing to false)
/dokeepinventory (No one loses their items anymore when they die)
/nokeepinventory (No one will keep their item when they die)
/donaturalregen (You will regenerate automatically)
/nonaturalregen (You won't regen automatically anymore)
/norain (Rain will stop)
/rain (It will start raining)
/thunder (A thunderstorm will appear)
/wild (Randomly teleports you within 5000 blocks)
/killentities (Kills every entity except for players)
/zoom (Zooms in)
/zoomstop (Stops zooming in)
/fullbright (Gives you night vision)
/waterbreath (Gives you waterbreathing (idea by GulpinWizard))
/cmdblock (Gives you a command block)
/speed-0 up until /speed-4 (Makes you go slower)
/barrier (Gives you a barrier.)
/afk (Tells everyone you're afk.)
/noafk (Tells everyone you're no longer afk.)
/timenow (Tells you the time.)
/peaceful (Sets difficulty to peaceful.)
/easy (Sets difficulty to easy.)
/normal (Sets difficulty to normal.)
/hard (Sets difficulty to hard)
/exactspawn (Lets players spawn at the EXACT spawn coordinates, usefull for servers.)
/resetsr (Resets the spawnradius.)
/nohunger (You will never have hunger anymore!)
/nodamage (You will never get damage anymore!)
/killitems (Kills all the items!)
/ci (Clears your inventory even without cheats!)
/morecommands (Gives a link to the wiki for help)
/silence (Stops all sounds)


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28 Mai 2024
Plugins Minecraft
Ce pack contient les plugins suivants: World Edit, Invisible Mode (Vanish) et More Commands

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Commandes principales disponnibles:

Avec World Edit:


Avec Vanish:
/vanish fakequit
/vanish fakejoin
/vanish on
/vanish off
/vanish toggle
/vanish effects
/vanish check
/vanish list
/vanish reload

Avec More Commands:

/fullbright Makes your screen bright.
/spawncliententity <entity> Spawns an entity client-sided so only you can see it.
/ptime <day/night/6900> Sets your personal time.
/calc <equation> Calculates a math equation so you don't have to.
/setfov <fov> Sets your fov.
/setrenderdistance <distance> Sets your render distance.
/serverstatus Shows the server statuses of all mojang and minecraft servers.
/pastnames [player] Shows the past names of the given player, player defaults to you.
/urban <search term> Search something on urban dictionary.
/download <url> Downloads a file for you.
/copy <text> Copies text.
/crash [description] Crashes your game.
/fps Shows your fps.
/ctopevents Shows the top 10 events fired on the client.
/macro A client side command to run multiple commands at once.
/barrier Gives you a barrier.
/cleareffects Clears your effects.
/clearinv Clears your inventory.
/cmdblock Gives you a command block.
/consolecommand <command> Runs a command from the console.
/day Makes it day.
/easy Sets difficulty to easy.
/explode [power] Explode with set amount of power, defaults to 4.
/fly <on/off> [player] Enable flight mode.
/gm <gamemode> Sets your gamemode.
/gma Sets your gamemode to adventure mode.
/gmc Sets your gamemode to creative mode.
/gms Sets your gamemode to survival mode.
/gmsp Sets your gamemode to spectator mode.
/god <on/off> [player] Turns god mode on or off for you or someone else.
/hard Sets difficulty to hard.
/heal [player] Heal yourself or someone else.
/item <item> [amount] [player] Gives you a set amount of the item, defaults to 64.
/killall <entity> Kills all entities of the set type.
/kys Kills yourself.
/night Sets the time to night.
/nohunger You'll never be hungry anymore.
/norain Makes the sun shine.
/normal Sets difficulty to normal.
/peaceful Sets difficulty to peaceful.
/save Saves the worlds.
/setbuildlimit <limit> Sets the build limit, should be between 0 and 256.
/showtime Shows you the time.
/speed <number> Sets your movement and flight speed, should be between 0 and 10.
/sudo <player> <command> Force someone to use a command.
/top Teleports you to a safe place.
/break Breaks the block you're looking at.
/spawn Teleports you to spawn.
/wild Teleports you somewhere random.
/ping Tells you your latency with the server.
/hat Puts the item you're holding on your head.
/repair Repairs the item you're holding.
/rename <name> Renames the item you're holding, you can use color codes like &1, &2, &3, etc.
/optool Enchants the item you're holding with every enchantment of level 16348.
/time fix <value> Fixes the time to the set amount.
/enchant <player> <id> [level] Same as the normal command but now you can enchant any item with any enchantment of any level.
/fireball Shoots a fireball in the direction you're looking.
/whereami Shows your coordinates.
/whois <player> Get all of a player's information, including their ip, you hackerman.
/compareips <player1> <player2> Compares the ip addresses of 2 players to see if an account is an alt account of someone.
/narrate [message] Let the narrator narrate a message for you, just doing /narrate makes you able to let it narrate a whole novel. This command does not work on Minecraft versions below 1.12.
/tpchunk <x> <y> <z> Teleports you to a chunk.
/biometeleport <biome> Attempts to teleport you to the given biome.
/morecommandsinfo Shows info on your build of MoreCommands.
/cannon Fire primed TNT in whatever direction you're looking
/clone Clone the entity you're looking at or the entities matching the given selector
/cyclepainting Cycle through the paintings on whatever panting you're looking at.
/defuse Kills any within range or all primed TNT entities and drops a TNT item in its place.
/dimension Teleport to a dimension.
/dropstore Drop all your items in a chest either at the given location or your location, can optionally clear your inventory as well.
/enderchest Open your enderchest or someone else's from anywhere.
/extinguish Extinguish yourself if you're on fire.
/fakeplayer Create a fakeplayer to e.g. keep chunks loaded or for grinders.
/inspect Get any player's known NBT data, online or offline. You may want to run /save before doing so to get the latest data.
/invsee See and edit any player's inventory.
/jump Teleport wherever you're looking.
/more Set the count of your currently active item stack to its max.
/potion Create your own potions with many effects and custom colours.
/reach Set your reach distance, this works better on 1.12+.
/recipe Get the recipe of anything that's either potions, crafting or smelting.
/killall (Kills everbody)
/kys (Kills yourself)
/explode (Explodes yourself)
/gms (Shorter version of /gamemode 0)
/gmc (Shorter version of /gamemode 1)
/gma (Shorter version of /gamemode 2)
/gmsp (Shorter version of /gamemode 3)
/day (Shorter version of /time set day)
/night (Shorter version of /time set night)
/heal (Heals and feeds you)
/speed1 up until speed4 (Makes you go faster!)
/dodaylightcycle (Turns gamerule doDaylightCycle to true)
/nodaylightcycle (Turns gamerule doDaylightCycle to false)
/cleareffects (Clears all effects, needed when you want to from speed1 to speed2 or the other way around)
/dofire (Turns gamerule doFireTick to true)
/nofire (Turns gamerule doFireTick to false)
/nodeathmessages (Turns gamerule showDeathMessages to false)
/showdeathmessages (Turns gamerule showDeathMessages to true)
/domobgriefing (Turns gamerule doMobGriefing to true)
/nomobgriefing (Turns gamerule doMobGriefing to false)
/dokeepinventory (No one loses their items anymore when they die)
/nokeepinventory (No one will keep their item when they die)
/donaturalregen (You will regenerate automatically)
/nonaturalregen (You won't regen automatically anymore)
/norain (Rain will stop)
/rain (It will start raining)
/thunder (A thunderstorm will appear)
/wild (Randomly teleports you within 5000 blocks)
/killentities (Kills every entity except for players)
/zoom (Zooms in)
/zoomstop (Stops zooming in)
/fullbright (Gives you night vision)
/waterbreath (Gives you waterbreathing (idea by GulpinWizard))
/cmdblock (Gives you a command block)
/speed-0 up until /speed-4 (Makes you go slower)
/barrier (Gives you a barrier.)
/afk (Tells everyone you're afk.)
/noafk (Tells everyone you're no longer afk.)
/timenow (Tells you the time.)
/peaceful (Sets difficulty to peaceful.)
/easy (Sets difficulty to easy.)
/normal (Sets difficulty to normal.)
/hard (Sets difficulty to hard)
/exactspawn (Lets players spawn at the EXACT spawn coordinates, usefull for servers.)
/resetsr (Resets the spawnradius.)
/nohunger (You will never have hunger anymore!)
/nodamage (You will never get damage anymore!)
/killitems (Kills all the items!)
/ci (Clears your inventory even without cheats!)
/morecommands (Gives a link to the wiki for help)
/silence (Stops all sounds)
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