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VST Solid State Logic LMC Plus v1.0.0.11-RET


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Level 5

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3 199
67 819
1 630
31 Décembre 2020

Classic SSL LMC compression + new creative tools
The LMC+ Plug-in brings a new and significantly enhanced version of the classic SSL Listen Mic Compressor as originally found in the centre section of the legendary SL 4000E console to your DAW, with a range of new creative tools for artists, producers and engineers.

Key Features
Modelled on the legendary SSL 4000E console
Fixed attack and release curves
External sidechain
SSL high and low pass filters
Simple to use, just dial in the AMOUNT
'SCOOP' phase inverts the wet signal
'SPLIT': engages bandpass subtraction mode
Combine 'SCOOP' and 'SPLIT' for creative variations
Subtle changes to destroying and deconstructing the signal
Smash EVERYTHING (back to the '80s)

Voir la pièce jointe LMC_plus_product.png

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